Picture of ZaiZai and the host
Summary translation - highlighted parts where the host talked about his impression of Zaizai which is really touching :
- On the 30th, it was only a few hours of event but left a deep impression on me. Since knowing I will be hosting this S Angelo event, I have been very excited and eagerly preparing. To be frank, I am not exactly an “iron-clad” Zaizai fan, just like him very much. But don’t really know a lot about him. So I started to find out more information about him to make the event more complete.
- Here I would like to thank the Zaizai fans in renren blogpost who have given me a lot of useful information and support.
- After a few days of preparation my heart becomes more settle, but still feel very excited.
- On 27th, I met with the person in S Angelo responsible for the event and also went to look at the ballroom for the evening party. Both the people are very nice and friendly. I went back and continue preparing, and on 29th I went to do costume fitting. That night I still went to sleep.
- Next day waking up, I did the normal, clean up. And went upstairs to borrow a very trendy pair of leather shoes. I then took a car to the event.
- Arrived at 1pm, there were already a lot of people, quietly waiting outside the railings. The manufacturer made a very big billboard measuring 4meter by 6meter, with only Zaizai’s picture on it, hehe. But only this one person alone was able to attract a big group of people.
- I started preparing for the event. The models and dancers, together with professional make-up artistes and make-up artistes were also busy preparing.
- By 1.30pm, the street is packed full with people. The police car was there to keep things in order. There were about 40 police and 100 bodyguards formed a wall of people.
- I was asked to tell the audience to mind their safety. The people there seemed especially excited.
- The temperature has dropped and it was getting cold. Some people started to get a bit impatient because has waited for long time. I went on stage to try and calm them down/ make them happy. But one person in charge told me that Zaizai likes a warm atmosphere. If the people are very passionate/ enthusiastic, Zaizai will be very happy. At one place where the fans were especially enthusiastic, Zaizai smiled happily from beginning to end.
- At 3.40pm, I received a phone call that Zaizai has boarded the car and will arrive soon, so we can start the event. First we had a dance routine. The ladies for the ribbon cutting ceremony were also from the dance company, and they were also very excited. They told me that they are super excited. Although what they are handing over to Zaizai is just a pair of scissors, the feeling is much happier than even giving flowers to the university’s president.
- In another 10 minutes, Zaizai’s car finally arrived. The situation started to become a bit out-of-control, everyone moved forward and pressed against the security guards, making them feeling rather gloomy as they are not able to hold on any longer.
- When Zaizai came out, the tide of people started to surge and rush forward. Zaizai’s popularity and charm is really very “threatening”.
- Seeing his handsome face, all the fans are at boiling point.
- Seeing Zaizai, I was also feeling excited but I was not nervous. Maybe because I have had a lot of hosting experience, so I was feeling very calm.
- I keep telling myself that I must make the atmosphere more lively so that it leaves a deep impression on him (Zaizai).
- Then it was the turn of the manufacturer leader and the distributor to make a speech. After that I invited Zaizai on stage. As I led the crowd to shout out “123, Zaizai I love you!”. Zaizai came up on stage, looking very handsome. His appearance led to boiling point and shouts/ screams from the crowd. It is the first time I felt such INTENSE AND STRONG PASSION. After his gentlemanly appearance on stage, Zaizai greeted me using his eye gaze- my heart felt very warm.
- We started the first activity of asking questions. Most of the questions are from the manufacturer, and after that I asked some questions that fans want to hear. Zaizai is really warm and approachable/ friendly, he stood very close to me. Every time I ask a question, he will listen very carefully and then smilingly reply me, making one feel that he is a very gentle and tender man. Hehe, at that time I was personally touched.
- What made me most gratified is that, I managed to make Zaizai amused. His smile gives such a comfortable feeling and so full of sunshine.
- Then it was time for the ribbon cutting ceremony. Zaizai was holding both the microphine and scissors at the same time, and said “I am going to start the ribbon cutting ceremony lor”, very witty and humorous. After this Zaizai left the stage and want to the hotel for the celebration party. I also went there in the manufacturer’s car.
- At the hotel I continued to be busy. The person in charge kept changing the agenda, and kept explaining and emphasizing to me. We were in the hotel ballroom, and one of the staff said it’s a 5-star hotel with very good equipments and facilities.
- While Zaizai was taking pictures with fans, I was busy preparing at the back, no time to be alone with him or get a signature. The person in charge told me not to approach him, his manager also do not allow people to be alone with him.
- Everywhere that Zaizai goes there is a bodyguard with him.
- Not sure what happened during the ribbon cutting ceremony, there seems to be some disagreement between the manufacturer and his manager, who seems very angry.
- I was hungry and my legs cold but still have to hang on. The celebration party guests are all VIPs and leaders, much easier atmosphere to control vs this afternoon.
- When the manager and company personnel spoke to me, they were very fierce, saying why was everything not well-prepared. I am really innocent as am just the host, so the flow of events is not under my responsibility. At this time, Zaizai who was standing at the back of his manager, smiled to me and waved his hand, asking me not to mind. My heart immediately felt very warm.
- I told myself that I must perform well for this final section. First the leader’s speech, then Zaizai was invited up. When he was coming up, Zaizai’s eyes was on me all the time and when he reached me, he put his hands on my shoulders and said “Thank you for your trouble (hard work). Jiayou oh!” At that time I felt that I received a very big morale boost.
- I chatted with Zaizai on stage, felt that he looks rather tired and so try to ask some more light hearted questions. I know the manufacturer do not want me to move away from the brand’s topic, but I hope they understand how Zaizai is feeling, he is really very tired by then. I asked a few light-hearted questions – I know the people from the manufacturer was looking at me solemnly, but I felt very satisfied as I see Zaizai laughing happily.
- Then it was time for the champagne pouring and toast . Earlier the manager requested not to have bottoms-up, just cheers. But the rest of the VIPs drank the whole glass so Zaizai also finished one glass. After that Zaizai and his manager left via an exit door.
- I completed hosting the rest of the night, and finally finished at 7.00pm. By 8.00pm I completed handing over to the person in charge and finally had some good. Hehe, have to say sorry to my stomach for letting you suffer.
- "Zhou Yumin is a good man, kind-hearted and has a very warm personality. If you chat with him you will find him to be very funny. Hope more people will like him."
- END -
I wish some people will learn the same thing ie.to practice kindness and a Big Heart - I have the misfortune to encounter a few personalities recently who have so much hate and maliciousness in their heart, that I wonder where it comes from. Reading this type of blogpost always makes me realize, kind words and actions are really very precious and rare. I am so glad Zaizai is one who shows that, and many ZZ Junkies have also learnt well from him.
30号短短几个小时却给我留下了很美好的回忆,从之前确定要作为圣捷罗品牌时尚之旅的主持人就已经很激动了,于是开始了紧锣密鼓的准备。其实说实话我并不 是仔仔的铁杆粉丝之前只是很喜欢,但了解的并不完整。为了能让互动主持更丰富一些我就开始大量的收集仔仔的资料和信息,在这里我特别感谢校内人人网周渝民 公共主页的朋友们,谢谢你们给我提供这么多有用的信息。这次活动你们给了很大的支持。
经过几天的准备心里总算有点底了,但是仍然很激动。27号去见了圣捷罗公司的负责人沟通了活动的流程顺便去见了晚会的宴会厅,那两个负责人都很热情也很有 礼貌。见完他们我就回去继续准备。直到29号去试衣服,准备就绪以后回到宿舍里继续做准备,晚上有点激动但我还是很快的睡着了。到了第二天跟往常一样起床 洗漱,又跑到影楼借了双很潮的皮鞋(圣捷罗)水灵姐(经销商一名负责人)要求的。东西带齐以后我就赶紧坐车到了现场,1点那会已经围了很多人大家围在栏杆 外静静的等待着,因为商家做了一张很大的海报,估计有4米多高6米多宽,这么大的海报上只有仔仔一个人,呵呵不过这一个人已经足够吸引一大群人过来围观 了。我在后天跟工作人员开始之前的准备工作,演员和模特也都在换衣服化妆,有专门的造型师和化妆师给模特以及演员化妆。1点半时街上已经堵满了人,警车到 了现场维持秩序,大概来了40名干警以及一百名保安拉成了人墙。这时公司负责人让我提醒大家注意一下安全,感觉观众特别激动,也非常热情,这是温度已经降 了许多了明显感觉到冷,冻得我捂着腿。可能等的太久了很多人都躁动了,我又上台缓解一下气氛让大家耐心下来。但负责人私下里给我说仔仔喜欢热情的气氛,如 果大家很热情仔仔会非常开心,有一次仔仔在别的地方做活动粉丝特别热情,他从始至终都带着笑容
估计3点40了负责人打了电话过来说仔仔在车上了让我们这里赶紧开始,活动的第一个节目是东华理工DP舞团的街舞,毕竟年轻人比较多大家还是很激动的。礼 仪小姐也是东华理工艺术团的礼仪,她们告诉我说心里已经激动的不得了了,虽然给仔仔递的是剪刀但她们觉得那种感觉要比给校长送花幸福的多。过了十分钟仔仔 的车来了,大家有点失控都往前挤保安很郁闷因为他们拉不住了。仔仔一出现整个人潮就涌了过来。仔仔果然英气逼人,看到他英俊的面孔时所有的粉丝又沸腾了。 看到仔仔的时候我的心里也格外的激动。但我一点都不紧张,真的不紧张呵呵可能是有了很多主持的经验了所以当时特别淡定,我在告诉自己一定要把气氛搞活一点 给他留点好的印象。紧接着是领导和经销商讲话,讲话之后就由我邀请仔仔上台。当我带领大家喊出123仔仔我爱你的时候,仔仔帅气的登场了,他的上台引起了 沸腾和欢呼声,我第一次感受到了这么强烈的热情。仔仔很绅士上台之后给我目光示意问好,我心里暖洋洋的,于是开始了互动提问,其实很多问题都是经销商让问 的,我问完他们的问题之后就问了一些广大粉丝要我问的问题,仔仔非常具有亲和力他跟我站的很近,几乎是两个人贴在一起的,每当我问他什么问题他都会很细心 的去听然后微笑着回答我让人感觉他是个很温柔的男人。呵呵当时自己都被感动了,最令我欣慰的是我把仔仔逗乐了,他的笑容是那么舒服那么阳光。跟他互动完了 负责人示意收拾开始剪裁我就请了其他的嘉宾上台剪裁,仔仔拿着话筒和剪刀跟大家说:“我要开始剪裁咯”非常风趣幽默,剪裁完了仔仔就下台离场去酒店。我也 跟着坐上经销商的车去了酒店。在酒店里又是一阵忙碌,负责人把流程改了又改所以给我一遍又一遍的强调。
我们都在荣誉国际大酒店的宴会厅里,据工作人员介绍那是一家五星级的酒店里面的设备都是非常顶尖的,仔仔在会客厅跟大家合影我跟圣捷罗的姗姗姐在后天准 备,当时我觉得从头到尾我都没法跟仔仔单独见面签名怎么办,负责人说你不要去接近他,他的经济人也不许别人单独找他。仔仔每走一段路都是有保镖在旁边守 着,不知道下午剪裁经销商跟他的经济人有什么意见不一致,他的经纪人特别生气,很有情绪,我那时还没吃东西,又要准备晚会肚子饿腿又冷。但咬咬牙挺住了。 酒会邀请的都是VIP的贵宾和领导,比起下午的会场气氛要好控制多了。我去跟他的经济人还有公司的人见面沟通时他们对我说话好凶,说怎么什么工作都没有准 备到位,反正说了一大堆,我好无辜我只是主持人具体流程我当然不负责咯。这时仔仔在他经济人后面冲我笑了一下摆摆手告诉我不要介意。我顿时心里暖暖的,我 告诉自己一定要加油完整最后一班岗。紧接着又是领导讲话,之后邀请仔仔上台,这次上台他一直看着我,上来以后把手放在我肩上说:“辛苦了,加油哦”我当时 感觉受到了无比大的鼓舞,又是跟仔仔的互动聊天,我明显感觉他也有点累所以当时我就找了一些轻松愉快的话题,我知道那些经销商希望我的话题不要脱离品牌, 但我希望他们也能体谅仔仔当时的心情,因为他也好累,所以我问了一小部分比较轻松的问题。尽管当时经销商的表情很严肃但是我心里很满足,因为我看到仔仔笑 的很开心。互动完了请其他领导上台倒香槟,之前经济人说不要说干杯,说举杯就可以了。但其他人端起了酒杯喝完了仔仔也只能喝了一杯。喝完香槟仔仔跟经济人 从专用通道离开了会场,剩下我来主持剩下的节目。等节目全部结束已经七点多了。等到8点跟经销商交代完事情之后我才去抚慰一下我饥饿的肚子。呵呵在这里我 也想对我的肚子说“对不起,昨天让你受苦了”。
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