Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some news of Jin Da Ban broadcast in Japan.

It is appearing in a 24-hour channel called 銀河 (Yin He or Galaxy) and will start to air in March 2011

channel銀河 充實的歷史劇 心溫和起來的電視劇 譲人感動的記錄片...。
以播放NHK的名作為中心、國内、外的節目 24鐘頭播放的channel銀河


1940年代的上海為舞台描 寫美貌的舞女 金兆麗的不幸的人生

三月的channel銀河将会 、播放第一次在日本播放的「金大班」。事故的時代背景是1940年代的上海。描述風靡一世的舞女的悪劇性的不幸的一生。
主角是中國受歓迎的女明星范冰冰。她愛上了不被容許的戀愛對象 飾演名門子弟
盛月如 、台湾的受歓迎的団体 F4成員 周渝民、美男 美女編織出來的電視劇、在中國全土大受歓迎。

Google translate

channel Galaxy mild heart full of historical drama television series Undertaking who moved up the documentary. ...
NHK's name to play as a center of domestic and foreign programs broadcast channel 24-hour Galaxy
』『 Know the benefits of genuine adult generation = generation of integrated Entertainment Licensing Galaxy TV

China's production, the beautiful love story between men and women to start

1940s Shanghai as a stage dancer Jin Zhaoli describing the tragic beauty of life

Channel Galaxy will be in March, the first player to play in Japan, "Kim Tai Pan." The background of the accident is Shanghai in the 1940s. I, the dancer described 悪 popular drama of unfortunate life.
The protagonist is female stars by Huan Ying Fan Bingbing. She fell in love with the love object will not be allowed to play the children of the door
Sheng Yue Ru, by Huan Ying of Taiwan's F4 member Vic Chou Tuan body, handsome woven out of the TV beauty, all lands in China, greatly Huan Ying.
Health secrets of the world, was the second world war era 戦 background Fannong resonance waves is the subject of the expansion
. Gouxue more people the more fascinated Undertaking, which is probably the world's common part of it.
The heat will not lose the first Korean to play in Japan, China wander 続 drama. Please be sure to take this opportunity to enjoy good

Credit to Sytwo @ AF

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